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Color and taste: flavored waters.


As the warm weather approaches, restaurants are updating their menus to reflect the change in season. Seasonality is one of the added values that customers appreciate most, so it’s important to be prepared!

Fresh and colorful drinks are perfect for the approaching summer, perhaps made with a particular focus on well-being and health, which is increasingly capturing the attention of consumers.

If you are a professional and are looking for new ideas to meet the tastes of your customers, we at Borgonovo® recommend flavored waters: a colored and thirst-quenching drink that, based on the addition of particular ingredients, can also acquire beneficial properties.

For example, with the addition of ginger, flavored water becomes anti-inflammatory and digestive, with blueberries or grapefruit it becomes antioxidant… Just choose fruits and spices carefully, and flavored water becomes a healthy drink to offer your customers!

Water, but with taste… And style!

Flavored water is a healthy choice, not only for the ingredients it is made with, but also because it helps to make it easier to consume the “2 liters of water a day” typically recommended.

But it is also a stylish choice! It is undoubtedly a scenic drink, and with the right container in which to serve it, its beautifully presented ingredients will make your flavored water tasty, colorful and beautiful to look at!

Here are 3 tips for making it best!

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1. Choose the recipe.

Antioxidant, energizing, anti-inflammatory: drinking flavored water is also a healthy choice. So when you’re thinking about the tastiest recipe for making your flavored water, why not also think about the benefits it can have? Choose the right products according to your needs.

2. Select unexpected ingredients.

The secret to good flavored water also lies in the choice of good ingredients. And we’re not just talking about seasonal fruit: don’t forget spices and herbs! For example, ginger and rosemary can give your water a surprising twist.

3. Think about the service: Flexy Borgonovo® glass pitcher.

After choosing the recipe and ingredients, it’s time to think about how to serve your flavored water. A scenic drink like this deserves the right container. If you have no ideas, we at Vetreria di Borgonovo will help you with our Flexy glass pitcher: in extra-clear glass, practical, design and multifunctional.

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Flexy, much more than a simple glass pitcher.

When we decided to add this proposal to our catalog we wanted something different. We didn’t want to create the classic glass pitcher, but something that stood out.

And so Flexy was born: 4 accessories, multiple uses.

What makes this product special is not only its crystal-clear transparency but also its multifunctionality.

The Flexy pitcher is also available in the 4-in-1 version with 4 practical accessories:

  • infuser, for making teas, herbal teas and infusions;
  • cooler allows you to always offer fresh drinks;
  • plastic pourer and cap ensure clean, drip-proof serving;
  • screw cap turns the carafe into a handy food container.

Find out more about the Borgonovo pitchers and jugs line here!

VETRERIA DI BORGONOVO SPA | Via Pianello, 75 - 29011 Borgonovo Val Tidone PC
CONTACTS: tel. +39 0523 865311 | fax +39 0523 862843 |